Mark Newby, KX4LEO, Emergency Coordinator

Do you want to be a part of a dedicated team of licensed amateur radio operators who volunteer their time to serve their communities in Sumter County? Call or email us today to learn how you can be a part of our critically important team. Click here to learn how you can be a member of our team.
Winter Field Day 2025

Winter Field Day will be conducted on January 25-26, 2025. Although Sumter County ARES itself will not be coordinating this year's event as it has in the past, Sumter ARES is providing a venue where any amateur radio operator can participate in Winter Field Day, regardless of whether or not they are affiliated with any organization.
Click here for more information about Winter Field Day.
If you know of anyone who may be interested in getting started in amateur radio, please extend this invitation to them. Although this event is commonly recognized as a contest to see how many contacts can be made on different bands and using different modes, OUR focus will be on LEARNING. So if you want to learn more about how:
To participate in a contest without the anxiety.
To properly erect antennas in a field environment.
To use a Nano VNA and Antenna Analyzer to check antennas and feedlines.
To operate different types of amateur radios.
To make contacts using phone, CW and digital modes.
To operate various amateur related computer software.
If you are a Sumter ARES member and need any task book item signed off on, bring your Task Book and I can sign off on them then.
This event will be held at 12391 SR 471, Webster, FL 33597. Earl Hassemer, W9EJH, is coordinating this event. If you would like to participate, or if you have any questions about the event, please contact Earl by email at earlh@bloomer.net or on the air on the K4HOG repeater (147.030 MHz) or the KI4DYE repeater (145.490 MHz). We will have a bon-fire Saturday evening. Bring your own hotdogs, marshmellows, drinks, and chairs. We looking forward to seeing you at this learning opportunity.