Mark Newby, KX4LEO, Emergency Coordinator

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Sumter County ARES EmComm Trailer

Sumter County ARES EmComm Trailer

Sumter County ARES EmComm Trailer

Sumter County ARES EmComm Trailer
The Sumter County ARES Emergency Communications Trailer is courtesy Integrated Data And Communications Systems (IDACS). Sumter ARES makes this trailer available to local, county, and state government agencies in Florida upon request to provide temporary emergency communications in times of disaster or other emergencies. In addition to its state-of-the-art communications capabilities, the trailer provides a self-contained mobile facility from where emergency response and support activities can be coordinated. Sumter ARES also makes this trailer available to any civilian EmComm organization and its affiliates for sanctioned events. Some of the features of the trailer include:
50amp, 220v electrical system
4000 watt gasoline generator
(4) 100-watt solar panels attached to the roof for charging the Lithium batteries with an MPPT Solar Controller
TrueCharge system with remote monitoring that charges any deep-cycle marine batteries that may be used for auxilary power whenever the trailer is connected to shore power or generator
120v AC outlets and 12v DC Anderson Power Pole connections throughout the trailer
(4) 100ah Lithium LifePo4 batteries protected by a 400amp inline fuse at the battery bank. This is the primary power source for all 12v devices. The lithium batteries are continually monitored, and automatically charged as needed, using a LifePo4 Lithium battery charger. The batteries stayed "topped off" with an MPPT solar charger that provides charging current as needed.
3500 watt inverter with remote control that provides uninterrupted 120v AC power to all AC power outlets and their connected devices
Air conditioning and heating
Variable interior light settings for comfortable reading and operation
LED work lights at each station
Exterior LED lighting
Green LED beacon that is illuminated on the trailer's roof when it is used as an Incident Command Post
Ladder to access the roof and antennas
Roller desk chairs at each work station, and a padded bench for visitors
"L" shaped desk with 3 work stations, with an additional popup folding table for a 4th station
High intensity portable light stands
Roof-mounted spotlight with wireless control
Roof-mounted public address speaker
10X10 popup tent, chairs and folding tables are stowed
First Aid Kits and Fire Extinguishers are mounted
IT Equipment
Connection to the internet is accomplished by a WiFi Ranger with external antenna. This allows connection to WiFi signals up to 1 mile away. If no available WiFi connection is available, the Ranger will connect to the trailer's Verizon "hotspot". Once a connection is established, the WiFi Ranger then passes internet to a router/switch affixed to a network rack, which feeds all the Cat5 Ethernet connections. The router also provides password protected WiFi throughout the trailer.
A micro computer, monitor, and wireless keyboard and mouse are located at all three workstations
HP Mobile 200 AC / DC printer is shared across the network
(2) 32-inch Roku televisions are mounted on the back wall. One television is capable of receiving over-the-air programming. With an internet connection, these televisions can play streaming programs, including news and weather. They can also display any work station's computer screen, as well as the mapping programs that show roads and the locations of radios and mobile phones that are beaconing APRS.
FLDigi, FLRig, WSJT-X, N3JFP logging software, and associated applications are installed on all computers, and are connected for contest logging.
WinLink client software for sending and receiving emails by Telnet or over the air.
Zoom application is installed for remote conferencing and training.
Communications Equipment
Yaesu FTM-400 radio, 2m / 70cm, cross-band capable, analog FM or C4FM digital, Wires-X
TYT TH-9800 radio, Quad-band, 6m / 10m / 2m / 70cm analog FM
Icom ID-5100 radio, 2m / 70cm, analog FM or DStar
Yaeus FT-991A radio, all bands, all modes, analog FM or C4FM digital. This radio is used primarily for long range HF communications.
Marine radio
Citizen's Band radio
Midland GMRS radio
Westcom radio, 2m / 70cm, DMR digital
Uniden TrunkTracker V scanner with external antenna
Android network radio, which uses the trailer's network. EchoLink and DV Switch Mobile apps installed for use by licensed amateur operators. This device also has the Zello app which allows the trailer's operators to communicate with volunteers who are unlicensed or who do not possess radio equipment, but who have the Zello app on their phone.
Yaesu DR-2X repeater, Uplink Frequency: 446.900 MHz, Downlink Frequency 441.900 MHz, TSQ: 123.0 Hz
(6) hand-held portable radios in chargers
Portable "Go-Kit" with installed Yaesu FTM-100 2m / 70cm / analog & C4FM mobile transceiver, and FT-891 HF mobile transciever. The go-kit's power source is selectable: a 110v internally mounted 12v power supply, or a 100ah Lithium portable battery with LifePo4 charger.
Byonics MicroTrak APRS / Digipeater
Conventional landline and VOIP telephones
SignaLink connected to an HF / 2m / 70cm transceiver to send and receive emails over the air
Antenna Array
All antennas are mounted on (3) square, aluminum tubes that runs horizontally across the metal roof of the trailer.
2m / 70cm radios are directly connected to either Tram or Comet dual-band antennas The trailer's metal roof and frame provides an excellent ground plane. Four radials are affixed to the base of some antennas as needed.
Marine radio is connected directly to a Tram antenna specific for marine applications without a ground plane.
Citizen band radio is connected to a ThunderStick for 27MHz
TrunkTracker Scanner is connected to a multi-band external antenna, providing excellent reception.
External GPS antennas provide location information for various radios and computer applications
A GPS antenna and a 2m / 70cm antenna are both connected to Byonics APRS/Digipeater
Yaesu ATAS-120 vertical antenna is connected to the Yaesu FT-991A for HF and WinLink operation
Diamond X50A 2m / 70cm dual band antenna is stowed to affix to the top of the 30 foot extendable push-up pole.
Two end-fed, half-wave, HF antennas are stowed and deployed as needed.
All feed lines are RG8X